Next Steps NEWSLETTER February 2010

(c) iBusinessSite Publications

Coffee Get-Together  --  ADVANCED Course in March - Link Building for Traffic

CONGRATULATIONS on your Startup business, and
Welcome to the first Next Steps Newsletter.

The Aim of this Newsletter is to SUPPORT and HELP you to GROW your business.

It will be educationally brief, and as much as possible to the point.
Identifying the important areas to focus on, with only a brief narrative.

We receive much to read and digest these days, and I will strive to make good use of your valuable time.

So a Newsletter PACKED with GREAT IDEAS for YOU may be too brief, you may need a little more explanation.
FEEDBACK this to me, and let me know.
FEEDBACK ideas you wish explored in FUTURE Editions also.

Some items from this Newsletter will be developed further in future editions.

To help find any Item/Tool mentioned, where it is found is written beside the
Heading   inside the dashed lines.
This is YOUR Newsletter,
to enable you to GROW your business.

Links Advanced Course is scheduled for March - A Coffee Get-Togethers is planned in March
Tell me what you need - Use the Form at the bottom

THIS Issue .......

The Footer - its power is often overlooked
Look & Feel - is it right for you
HomePage - how to entice a Visitor to click through
Getting Traffic - consider a BLOG - TAKES 30 MINS!
        - Inbound Links - how to get them
MEET over a Coffee - meet SBIers - share - laugh -  swap best ideas
FEEDBACK FORM - on the Newsletter, on a Topic in the Newsletter, on future Topics, on anything !!

Next Issue:
My Australian Customers - finding me
Images - sizing them up easily
Tips and Resouces ... and MORE

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act,
the rest is merely tenacity.
The fears are paper tigers.
You can do anything you decide to do.
You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure,
the process is its own reward." ~ Amelia Earhart, Aviator

FOOTER      Find it at ..... SiteCentral - Footer
Don't forget to Update your Footer to 2010.
The Footer can be made Clickable and so can take a Visitor to a page where you can use Links to other pages or to lower down THIS page to say YOUR:

Privacy Policy
Terms & Conditions
... or to another important Topic.

LOOK & FEEL      Find it at ..... SiteCentral - Look& Feel
During the Course you may have selected a Look and Feel (L&F) that enabled you to quickly move on to writing the all important Homepage, and then to build the T2 and T3 pages.
If you have NOT reselected a L&F Template for your business, NOW is the time.

It can take 15 minutes to select one as there are many from which to choose, another 15 minutes to customise and Preview, and seconds to BuildIt.

So in 30 to 60 minutes you could have a new L&F and a NEW Look business, that neatly fits your business concept.
For YOU and YOUR VISITOR, this could your most valuable 45 to 60 minutes as you could better capture their attention with your Look and Feel.

I am also working on my L&F on some of my sites.

In April, the new Design3 Competition Winning Templates are expected to be available for the SiteBuilder.
As it is not hard to change, these will be well worth looking over and you may find an even better fit for your business idea.

HOMEPAGE        Find it at .....   SiteCentral - Edit Homepage
Have you looked at your Homepage lately?
Have you read the INCITEFUL words in Chigago Part 2  at this address
You will be asked for your SBI Login details.

Susana has ... have a look at her Spanish Travel business at
and whilst you are there have a look at the image on the Homepage which has been organised in Picnik which can be accessed from
the Upload Graphics button in your SBI SiteCentral.

This is a simple message to you from a recent Webinar I attended with Sitesell, and a REMINDER to me ...

Search Engines can assist TRAFFIC generation, with the simple use of Blogs, Content 2.0 and most important XML SiteMap

BLOG to your Site    SiteCentral - BusinessCentre - BlogIt
Blogs are looked at favourably by Search Engines as they are still "new" on the Internet despite a beginning in about 1998 with the beginnings of serious Blogging occurring from 1999.
Blogs can help your site to be listed well in Search Engines.

To set up your Blog you will need about 30 minutes or less, and then you will be able to Blog a paragraph, or announce when a new page is published (and a problem solved!) as it is Blogged.

BLOGs are excellent for your Visitors, as they are PUSHED out to all those with Readers who have subscribed to your Blog.  They KNOW when you have changed your site, or have an announcement as it is read in your Blog in their Reader.

Content 2.0           SiteCentral - SiteBuilder - Libraries - Content 2.0 Libraries
Content 2.0 will allow your Visitors to WRITE for you, and this Button opens up resources that will illustrate just how creative you can be.
I am creating a new site at the moment, and I am exploring using C2 in a very unusual way - to create a mini-Forum.

Sitemap File       SiteCentral - Search Engine HQ
A Sitemap can be ... a List of the pages on your Site on a special Sitemap page, or
A sitemap can be ... the FILE that automatically informs the major Search Engines (Google, Yahoo!, Bing (formerly Live Search and MSN) and Ask) about changes to your site.

If a little time has passed since your site was first created, you may already have been found by all of the BIG FOUR Search Engines (Google, Ask, Bing and Yahoo)
It is easy to check .. simply go to the Search Engine HQ in SiteCentral and see if there are numbers under the Search Engine Headings.

If not, then it is in Search Engine HQ that you tell the Engines that you exist.
At the very TOP of this page is a Note in the Box on how to do it.

InBound Links 
Links coming INTO your Site are important for Search Engine rankings.
Building Links and Content are the two most important activities for your business.
There is an Advanced Course on 23 March on Link Building


Come and get together with other SBIers !!!

These Advanced Courses are in response to your feedback during the Courses - you remember those Surveys? How could you forget.
I am working hard to ensure great value in the Startup Course as is now running.  More focussed with introductions to the advanced tools and systems.
This will enable you to focus on starting the business and know the tools exist for when you are ready.

No good learning the techniques of driving when you are learning to walk.

The Advanced Courses will develop the other tools and also cover topics that are your needs.

Topics under consideration include:
Link Building, Content 2.0, Helpful HTML Code, Monetisation (need 30 pages)
Advanced Traffic analysis, Uploading Your Own HTML  ... and more.
They will be Workshops ... involving active discussion, etc and time online on your business and time to discuss with me.

Date:                Tuesday 23 March 2010
Time:                6.30 pm - 9.30pm   (3 hours)
Location:          Carlingford MBTC Campus  Room 2
Topic:               How to Build LINKS
Pre-requisite:    Using SBI and have more than 5 pages published and on the way to 10 pages.
Value:               $95  AUD

Content and Inbound Links are two of the biggest SECRETS to online success.
This Advanced Workshop will take you through what needs to be done to get Inbound LINKS, building a strategy, and also provide ample opportunity to start building incoming Links.

Registration and Paypal Payment can be made at this LINK.
The number is LIMITED, and I am using Paypal to count Enrolments.  So be EARLY so you do not miss out.

This LINK will provide more details of this Course.
This will also be the LINK to all up and coming Courses.

For your Diary  - Future Advanced Courses
Other Advanced Workshops are booked for Tuesday 27 May and Tuesday 24 June  6.30 - 9.30pm at Carlingford campus of MBTC
Topics will be announced in the next Newsletter, so let me know using the Form below what areas you wish covered.

If all goes well in Terms 1 and 2, I am looking to plan them out through 2010 as the natural extension to the new designed Startup Course.
Some half day, and maybe a full Saturday.  I think a half Saturday morning is most valuable.  What do you think?

John Audette (founder of Internet News Bureau and Multimedia Marketing Group), says ...
"Do something every day to improve your business - no matter how small."

So a question at the end of each day is "What have I done today to improve my business?  Either large or small."

It is so easy to get bogged down in the trivia of a day, but this simple question zeros in on what I have DONE TODAY to improve MY business.
Thousands of improvements over time aggregate into a great business.

Open in a New Tab - when Opening a LINK, use a Right-Mouse-Click and Select "Open in a New Tab"
Result:  The HyperLinked page opens in a new TAB, and not ON TOP OF the original page.
Conclusion:  You no longer get lost, or spend time clicking the Back Arrow to return to a page.

Want to come along and meet other SBIers?  Have some questions, need some answers?
Hear what others are doing.
Nothing like talking over a cup of coffee and swapping news and views.
Leave when you need to leave ...

Thank you for your meeting place suggestion.

WHERE?   The Loft at Macquarie Shopping Centre  - we'll see how we go here.
WHEN?      Saturday 10am on 6 March 2010
FREE INTERNET:  Have a FREE Internet Hotspot if you wish to bring your laptop
COFFEE & Food:   Priced well.

Use this ... Google Map

4 Hours FREE.  Be aware of the Express Parking with only 1 Hour Free.
Next, head right to the top of the Shopping Centre, adjacent Borders Books.  Just keep going up - escalator or lift.

The new trains stop right next to the Shopping Centre.  Alight at Macquarie University.

FEEDBACK Ideas to this Page
Ideas for up-coming Newsletters
Feedback on this Newsletter
YES I have the Coffee Morning in my Diary and can attend and learn more about SBI FREE
Topics for the next Advanced Course after March

CLICK through to this page to Feedback

NEXT EDITION of Next Steps

- An exciting new innovation is probably happening right near and about YOU that you can utilise for LOCAL Visitors to your business.
- Will Australians Find Me?
- Images
- More insights, and important areas to consider for TRAFFIC.

Maybe see you for coffee on 6 March, The Loft Restaurant, the top of Macquarie Shopping Centre near Macquarie Uni.

See you for next time.

Warren Holland
SBI Instructor & eLearning Instructor | Macquarie Business Training Centre | Macquarie Community College
Using SBI as a business owner since 2004 | Training in Internet Business since 2005
Training in SBI in Sydney since 2007  (2nd in the world after 1st Course trialled in Montreal Canada)