Would you like YOUR work to involve an idea you are passionate about?
Or YOUR business to have a website that ranks high in Search Engines and over which you have total control?
If so, I can help you build a real operational Internet Business based on YOUR passionate idea, (or for your business) in just 10 weeks!
Now that is a revolutionary idea !!
Would you like someone who can get that project started and built for you, either Full-time or Part-time?
Either by myself from start to finish, or as a Team member, or as the Project Leader?
If so, then you are at the right place.
I like to solve problems, and to facilitate change for organisations (Projects) and individuals (their own Internet Businesses).
Project Communications is about Change
With a focus on projects, people,
education, and communications.
I enable Change in various ways:
Full-time on a project with an organisation, with individuals as a Trainer and Educator assisting non-technical individuals to create Internet startup businesses at very low risk and either face-to-face or through eLearning Classes.
If I can help you turn your ideas and visions into reality, or you wish to contact me, simply use the Form below, and I will reply as soon as possible.
What excites me?
Being involved and hearing about creative ideas and people.
Being able to create positive and beneficial change that benefits everyone.
Being able to assist an individual to take an idea and turn it into the reality of a real Internet business.
What is different?
When working on projects, my approach to Change and Projects, is to complement any methodologies in use (PMbok, PRINCE for example), with focus on engaging the people involved.
I work with people and ideas to bring about positive and beneficial change.
How do I do it?
Full-time or Part-time with an organisation on a project …
As a result of a Eureka Moment I have worked with individuals as well, over the last 4 years ...
Whether a process or a system uses machines, computers or some other device to accomplish its work, it is people who make it work.People are the centre of all activity in business, the community, politics, the world.
Project Communicationsmeans that people make projects work
As an Educator, Project Manager, and a Change Agent in Schools, in IT, in Health, with individuals in my Classes, I have spent a lifetime affecting people’s lives and working hard to ensure that the results are positive across Education, IT and the Health Sectors.
I have a diverse professional background in Secondary Education (Physics), IT and Infrastructure Management, and Project Management, a Head of Information Technology, a Teacher of eCommerce, a Business Owner and Adult Educator.
Working Full-time or Part-Time this is what I have done
In Information Technology
As an IT Manager and Head of Unit, I
Directed a successful multi-million dollar IT program for the Catholic Education Office, Sydney largely replacing paper-based administrative systems in one Head Office, three Regional Offices, and 160 Schools and 160 Libraries across the Archdiocese of Sydney (120 Primary Schools and 40 Secondary Colleges), which impacted 5,300 staff, and:
-Change managed this project with a focus on the people involved.
Planned and managed large complex projects, teams and resources,
Managed the developers and the people involved.
Undertaken change management (an interest of mine),
Risk management and
Undertaken capacity planning and
Strategic planning,
Introduced leading edge server and telecommunications infrastructure, and
Worked closely with network cablers and engineers.
Established an Internet presence for organisations,
Built Intranets, Help Desks and
Liaised with Board Members, CEO, Directors, Managers, School Principals and staff at all levels to effect plans.
A member of State and National Technology Committees, and also
Provided technical advice and recommendations for the national Australian Catholic Education Domain structure.
Led a Team of talented IT professionals.
In Health and working with Volunteers
As a project manager and coordinator, I
Planned, built and project managed a new service using Volunteers for the Cancer Council NSW that was successfully fully integrated into the existing services provided by Health Care Nursing and Counselling professionals using change management and education.
Established a dynamic new team of Volunteers who have supported more than 2,900 clients and families living with cancer since its inception in late 2006.
Created a database management system for counselling support, linking clients and counsellors, facilitating communication and enabling analysis
Managed expectations, motivated and engaged Volunteers through effectivecommunication, education, goal setting.
Authored and co-authored Papers for Australian publications.See publications.
My Eureka Moment and Working With Individuals
My latest ventures include making use of my discovery in 1995 of the power of the Internet when I was studying with DeakinUniversity.It was my Eureka moment. I discovered how powerful the Internet was when using it as a communication medium with Lecturers. You will have to meet me so I can express the discovery with arm waves and body language to reinforce my words. It really was a turning point.
My Eurekamoment led me to explore the nature of business on the Internet, and to appreciate its difference from a bricks-and-mortar business.This led to building a business on the Internet.
Being a keen Educator I am really excited by my eCourse that has grown from my Internet business learnings called Build a Successful Business on the Internet run at Macquarie Business Training Centre (part of Macquarie Community College) where I take individuals with a passionate interest and in 10 weeks work with them to create an operational start-up business on the Internet around that interest and includes a plan for growth and profitability. There is NOTHING like having a business built around your passion !!!
I enjoy working with people and making a difference.
Best regards WarrenHolland
Professional Qualifications
I have a B.Ed, Graduate Certificate in Business Management (MBA), Graduate Diploma Business Computing, and attended numerous courses in Adult Education and Project management and counselling at SydneyUniversityand elsewhere.
I have been a former founding member and President of a local Toastmasters Club (Pennant Hills), and a Volunteer on management committees at RoyalNorthShoreHospital.
Co-authored Papers: Australian Journal of Volunteering titledThe role of volunteering in a cancer support framework: vital support at a critical time, 2008
Co-authored Paper for The Retiree titled Cancer Helpline Call Back Service: Volunteers providing support at a critical time,2007
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