Free Internet Business information

Is Internet Business - Fact or Fiction?

FREE iBiz Information


My name is Warren.

I live in Sydney Australia, or "the land down-under".

This page contains free Internet business information about whether this different form of business is fact or fiction.

I began experimenting with the Internet in 1995 when I was studying at Deakin University in Victoria, Australia. Residing in the adjoining state, this meant I communicated through the Internet. This University was very innovative and a leader at the time, and that’s why I was attending Deakin.

I worked through the “dot com” business catastrophe and sought to understand what type of business could survive in this amazing environment. I also sought to understand why anyone could not create a business that they really enjoyed, loved to do, maybe built around their passion.

Was all this possible?

During this time, I found some interesting ideas that were fact and others that were straight fiction.

One fact I discovered revolved around the Search Engines.

Consider this question:
When you use Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask and other search engines, what do you do? Do you seek an answer to a question? A solution to a problem? A bit of information?

You are entirely correct if you said YES. This is an Internet FACT.

My question of myself was:
Could I find a way to build an Internet business to help Google and others answer the questions that were asked of them?

Initially I bolted systems together. But this was very labour and technically intensive and far removed from the business building I desired. I was down there in the nuts and blts too much, and not up building the business.

Then I found a system that made it easy. I didn’t even need the technical stuff like HTML. All I needed was to know how to open a Browser.

This system is called SiteBuildIt! Invented by Ken Evoy a Canadian medical doctor (so he has a Dr in front of his name), an inventor and an entrepreneur. Ken owns a company called Sitesell and has 30 000 business owners using SiteBuildit! around the world.

Look at these results using this system.

These are some of the Top 1% of highly trafficed sites in the world, built by people just like you, that are using SiteBuildIt.

In any of my research I look for others who can actually tell their story of how it works and IF it works. It was helpful to find these case studies. It turned out that they were amongst 30 000 business owners who were using SiteBuildIt! or SBI.

So I started to use SBI to build an Internet business AND it worked !

Having been a teacher in the past, I also devised a course to teach my learnings since 1995, to show others how to create an Internet business.

NOW I use SiteBuildIt in my Course to allow students to actually build a business in JUST 10 weeks.

This course is called "Building a Successful Business on the Internet " and it REALLY works, and students have their business up and running and ready to grow after just 10 weeks with traffic that starts to build up. I was impressed.

You can see some of these students sites at the above link.

Here are some FAQs that may answer any questions about this course with a Form for any questions not answered. I will answer these directly.

Fiction is where a Webhost sells webspace and a promise of a business, and that's it. The allure is a business, but how do you get traffic?

Anyone can provide webspace to store website files, but no-one can help you actually build an Internet business that is designed to sit in front of the Internet traffic. SBI can. From researching an idea, to planning, to the building and actually removing all the technical along the way, and provide advanced inbuilt tools to guide building so that it is just right for those Search Engines and Directories or whatever the next big idea is next to come.

Here is a summary of Solo Build It!

The fact is, anyone can now build an Internet business PART-TIME. Either by themselves using SBI (purchase at any page above) or through accelerated researching, planning and building by attending and completing your business in just 10 weeks by enrolling in the Course in Carlingford, Sydney Australia.

What do you want your future to be? Maybe Solo Build It can help you create a different future.

All the best in your business building.

Cheers from Warren

Purchase SBI on this page

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